Mayor Eartha T. Cummings,
City Council Members
Brainard Crawford
Mayor Pro-Tem – District 1
Booker T. Coleman
District 1
Rhonda Lemons
District 2
Sidney Swan
District 2
Debra Rhodes
District 3
David Hartley
District 3
Role of Council Committees
The City Council committees are structured for the purpose of expediting the policy-making and legislative functions of the Council. They are organized to more equally distribute the responsibilities and work load among all Council members. Although the Council is strictly the legislative and policy-making body of the City government, these policy-making responsibilities should parallel the administrative needs of the City as closely as possible.
The primary function of the Council is guiding municipal policy, and the work of committees is basically oriented toward this objective by facilitating decisions more efficiently through policy-area specialization. While the organization and title of each committee parallels administrative needs, there is absolutely no intent to imply that these committees are charged with administrative authority. The Committee Chairs serve as a point of contact/advocate for the Department Head and to help implement policy. All administrative job duties are the sole responsibility of the Department Head.
Economic Development Committee
The Economic and Community Development Committee handles all actions relating to efforts to aid economic advancement and to provide for a safe and livable environment for all citizens of Tennille. This Committee shall meet and submit a status report as needed to the Mayor and Council.
Finance Committee
This committee is responsible for policy development and review concerning the financial matters of the city. The committee conducts periodic reviews of the city’s budget and reports to the Council on revenue and expenditure levels. It will consider such other budget, financial and economic development matters it deems appropriate and makes recommendations to the Mayor and Council. The Committee Chair will interact with Department Head on an as needed basis. This Committee shall meet and submit a status report as needed to the Mayor and Council.
Human Resources Committee
The Human Resources Committee is responsible for policies relating to employment with the City of Tennille, employee relations, benefits, grievance procedures and equal opportunity provisions. The Committee Chair will interact with Department Head on an as needed basis. This Committee shall meet and submit a status report as needed to the Mayor and Council.
Planning & Zoning, Ordinances Committee
The Planning and Zoning Committee is involved with all matters relating to city planning and zoning pursuant to action of the Mayor and Council. This committee will ensure that Charter, Zoning and Ordinances are current. This Committee shall meet and submit a status report as needed to the Mayor and Council.
Public Safety Committee
The Public Safety Committee is responsible for matters dealing with the City Code and Charter, Rules of Order for the City Council, Codes of Ethics, etc. They are also responsible for matters relating to the City Attorney’s office, matters relating to Fire and Police, 911, all other actions involving the Fire and Police Departments. The Committee Chair will interact with Department Head on an as needed basis. This Committee shall meet and submit a status report as needed to the Mayor and Council.
Public Works Committee
The Public Works Committee serves as a forum to review and recommend to the City Council significant public works policies. The Committee will also review the operations of the Water & Sewerage, Street, and Maintenance within the Public Works Department. The committee will provide periodic input on major projects occurring within the City and direction on methods for minimizing disturbances to residents and Public Works operations. The Committee Chair will interact with Public Works personnel to solicit their suggestions and input for maintaining and enhancing the City’s facilities and infrastructure in order to provide the highest level of service to the community. This Committee shall meet and submit a status report as needed to the Mayor and Council.